

Welcome to the Wired_n_Wireless_cn.
I used this Coder's name as the title. I have wished to use "hello world", thus ALOHA would be more familiar to us telecom engineers or researchers : )
Today I am little proud of my small world I have crafted here.This blog relates my dream as the name, the life of Wired and Wireless communication system. It will mainly post the subjects that translated from the blog Wired_n_Wireless by Santosh.And also some of my own opinion.
Thank you Santosh for your kindness to share your study on wireless communication system. As the author Santosh has put no license on his posts, I will license the translated posts and my own posts under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 China Mainland License. I wish that here will be full of your footprints, the beginners,the familiar and the veterans.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 China Mainland License.

我用这个程序员式的开篇来做标题以示对所有程序员的敬意。我曾经想使用"hello world" 来作为题目,但ALOHA似乎是我们无线工程师/研究院更加熟悉的一个系统,所以ALOHA world就成为了这第一篇日志的标题:)
本博客主要翻译自Santosh的同名博客 Wired_n_Wireless ,期间也会参杂一些我自己的观点。
在此,非常感谢 Santosh 的慷慨,以及他在通信系统上面的研究。另,因为Santosh没有使用任何版权来约束发布的文章,我将引入知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。

創用 CC 授權條款
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—————-English Version———————–

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